Logic Rewired   Mobile System Development   Canberra, Australia   Ph: +61 410 553 964   E: chris@logicrewired.com
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Privacy Policy / FAQ

What data is collected?

We collect some non-personal data relating to your usage during a session, including which content you access, and how you use the app.

If you are using a service that requires a login, we will access your email address, and your full name. Depending on the sevice that you are using some of your content may be published for other users to see. We suggest you review the privacy policy for each app you use to review what data is shared.

Will any of this information be able to identify me?

The information contained in the usage data that we collected only relates to how you use the app / website, and does not contain any information that will be able to identify you personally or your device. If you sign up for an account, however, we will require an email address and your name, which do identify you personally. Even with an account, we do not connect your usage data to anything related to your account, so we can not see how you personally use the app!

Who will this information be shared with?

Usage data is collected through Google Analytics. Apart from the necessary interaction with Google, this information will not be shared with any third party.

Account details are stored on our own servers, your name (or psudoname) and any content that you author. In some situations, your name or psudoname will be shared with other users, and also some of your published content. However, we do not share your email address.

How Will the information be used?

The usage data we collect will be used to attempt to make the our applications more fun to use. Each time we come back to do some updates, we will take a look at the usage data as a whole, and try to determine how we can make the app better for everyone.

Your email address will be kept private and be used for verification purposes, or if we need to contact you in regards to some of your content or account information. We will not use your email address for marketing purposes.

Do I have to share the information with you?

No. You can disable sharing your usage information from the settings screen. You can also use may of the app features without signing up for an account, however this will mean that any content will be stored on your device only.

Can my information be deleted?

Yes. Just contact us to request your data be deleted, and after we verify your account, we will remove your data from our servers.

Is this policy likely to change?

The policy shouldn't change much over time, but there may be the circumstance where we want to offer additional services or ownership changes that can alter this policy. We will also update our privacy policies to ensure that they remain current, and answer any other questions that may arise over time.

It's best to check back occasionally, to ensure the policy hasn't changed

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Please foreward all enquiries to admin@logicrewired.com